Kybella in Nashville, TN

Kybella is the latest non-invasive fat reduction treatment to be approved by the FDA. It is the first and only FDA approved injectable treatment to reduce fat under the chin! Previously, the only way to reduce fat under the chin was through liposculpture. However, with Kybella, now double chins can be eliminated with just a series of injections!

Dr. Gold was part of the Kybella clinical trials which resulted in its FDA approval, and as such has more experience with the procedure than any other doctor in the area. Dr. Gold’s research center treated more patients than any other in the country, and he and his team are well qualified to perform Kybella injections. Dr. Gold is proud to be part of such a groundbreaking research trial.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin, thus reducing the appearance of a double chin. Many men and women suffer from double chins, which are notoriously difficult to eliminate and can make you seem heavier than you actually are. With Kybella, submental fat cells are targeted and destroyed without affecting surrounding tissue. After these fat cells are destroyed, the body naturally absorbs and eliminates them, and gradually your double chin will reduce in size.

Kybella is used for treating fat underneath the chin but is not recommended for use anywhere else on the body. It should only be injected by a board-certified dermatologist who has experience with Kybella injections such as Dr. Gold, as it requires precision and knowledge of anatomy in order to place the injections in such a way as to avoid nerves and create optimal results.

How Does Kybella Work?

Kybella is formulated with deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps absorb and eliminate fat. Kybella has been thoroughly tested in clinical trials and found to be safe and effective. It is a breakthrough of modern technology, and Dr. Gold is happy to be able to offer this injectable treatment for double chins to his patients!

Dr. Gold is one of the first doctors in the area to offer Kybella and has experience treating patients safely and obtaining the best results. Each individual is different and will require differently placed injections for the best outcome. Dr. Gold works closely with his patients to achieve the goal that they want in the most efficient way.

Benefits of Kybella

Kybella treatments do not take long to perform, and there is no need for anesthesia. In addition, there is no downtime necessary, making it a great option for busy people without time in their schedule for a lengthy recovery! The Kybella procedure is quick and painless, due to a numbing cream being applied to the injection sites beforehand. Dr. Gold makes sure that all of his patients are completely comfortable during Kybella injections.

Kybella can also be used together with skin tightening treatments such as Ultherapy for a comprehensive neck lift result without ever needing to go under the knife. Kybella destroys fat cells but does not deal with loose skin. If a patient has loose skin as well as submental fat under the chin, Kybella plus a skin tightening device can provide great results and leave the patient with a tight, youthful neck contour.

Schedule a Consultation to Treat Your Double Chin

If you are interested in reducing your double chin with Kybella, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Gold! To learn more about this revolutionary technology and to schedule your consultation, just contact us today!

Next, read about CoolSculpting

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